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Junior Travel Ambassadors

We achieved the TfL STARS Silver Accreditation in 2024 and we are now working towards Gold 2025!


Walk to School!

We encourage our pupils to walk to school! If you must travel by car, how about parking further away from the school to get those extra steps in? Check out the map to plan your 'Park & Stride' journey:

TfL's Dragon's Den Pitch 2025

Every year, TfL STARS hosts a fantastic event where JTAs across the borough get the opportunity to pitch for a funded project. This year, our JTAs have been working hard to improve active travel at Grange Park Juniors and we now have over 90% of our pupils selecting to walk, scoot, cycle or park and stride every week (an increase of 42% compared to last year). They are now exploring a number of ideas to support our pupils feel more confident about cycling to and from school and will be pitching their ideas to Hillingdon Council in this year’s Dragon’s Den Event. Take a look at their video for further information about this year’s presentation!

Dragon's Den Pitch 2025 video coming soon

What are JTAs? 

The Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs) aim to ensure children, parents/ carers and staff have the knowledge to stay safe on or near roads. Whether you are a pedestrian, cyclist or driver, we believe it's important to share information which will help to keep our whole community safe.
With this in mind, our job is to also plan and deliver ways to help us stay active as a school! We have worked alongside Mr Luft to engage our pupils in a broad range of road safety and active travel events throughout the year and are currently building on our TfL STARS Silver Accreditation, with the aim of achieving Gold by the end of the Summer Term.
We will be meeting regularly to launch projects and measure impact in our school so watch this space!