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  • At Grange Park Junior School we assess our children to close any gaps in learning and ensure all children reach their full potential.  
  • Assessment for learning in all subjects takes place through: observations, speaking and listening activities, written work, classroom participation and weekly tests such as spellings and times tables - all of which support our children to make good and better progress.
  • In addition, termly testing takes place to support teacher judgements in English and mathematics.
  • Pupils are given targets that are derived from the National Curriculum.
  • Parents are encouraged to attend parents' evenings in the Autumn and Spring term.  This is where their child's attainment, progress and next steps are shared.
  • In the Summer term, parents are provided with a full written report and have the option to discuss the report in with their teachers by booking an appointment. 

Year 4 Multiplication Check

At the end of Year 4, all children will sit the Multiplication Check. Our school has been in the top 1% of schools for the last two years!

Year 6

At the end of Year 6, pupils are formally assessed in reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling, writing and maths, through the end of Key Stage 2 national tests (SATs).

Please click on the link below if you require further information to support your child in SATs.